Avoid Parental Conflict
Understanding the High Toll
of Parental Conflict on Children
How to Avoid Parental Conflict in Atlanta, Georgia
Telling Children About the Divorce and Helping Them Through the Initial Separation
Here are some suggestions for explaining the coming divorce and for helping your children cope with the changes that your separation will bring:
- Agree on time, place, and approach.
- Wait for an emotionally calm and controlled time.
Wait until both parents can discuss the divorce with the children calmly and rationally. Both parents must behave maturely and not reveal any anger, disappointment, fear, frustration, hurt or blame. They must watch body language and tone of voice, in addition to what is said.
- Tell the children together.
- Offer clear, honest explanations.
- Reassure the children.
Four Principles That Can Help Children Through Divorce
Children can survive a divorce with a minimum of harm if parents follow these four basic principles: exclusion, reassurance, example, and monitoring.
1. Exclusion Children are not parties to the divorce.
2. Reassurance
3. Example
4. Monitoring
We are here for you and your children
The mission of Hobson and Hobson is to zealously advocate for our clients and their children to create a secure and happy future. We can guide you through the consultation process starting with a scheduled call back from a member of our intake team. If you would prefer to speak directly and confidently with an attorney, a paid hour consultation is also available. To arrange a meeting, contact us today.
We are here for you and your children
The mission of Hobson and Hobson is to zealously advocate for our clients and their children to create a secure and happy future. We can guide you through the consultation process starting with a scheduled call back from a member of our intake team. If you would prefer to speak directly and confidently with an attorney, a paid hour consultation is also available. To arrange a meeting, contact us today.