Child Support in GA: What Parents Can Expect After Divorce

Are you in the process of a divorce, and do you need help figuring out child support? Based on the income the noncustodial parent brings in, you, the custodial parent, may be able to receive 25% or more of their income for child support.

Of course, each family has its own scenarios where one parent may serve as the custodial and another where they have joint support. Depending on your support order, you could receive child support so long as it is in the best interest of the child.

Please continue reading below if you are going through a divorce and need help figuring out how to claim child support. In this brief Georgia child support article, we will cover all you need about child support payments and who you can speak with for more information.

Recent Review:

“Now that I’m a few months out I wanted to come back and thank Hobson & Hobson as well as Asha for everything they did for me during my divorce. She was able to see things with a clear head and educate me on what was important and kept my expectations realistic. She and her team took the time to explain each step in the legal process and help me better navigate my divorce and focus on what was most important for my family and I. If I had to do it again, I would use Asha in a heartbeat. She was amazing.”

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Contact the Roswell family law attorneys at Hobson & Hobson, P.C. today at (404) 383-8401. We have a satellite location at 2180 Satellite Blvd Suite 400, Office 45, Duluth, GA 30097 (open Google Maps) just two miles north of Alpharetta St. Upon calling, one of our experienced professionals will help you begin your journey toward an amicable resolution.

What Is Child Support?

Child support is a payment either the paternal or maternal parent receives to assist with caring for their children. These payments are typically decided during the divorce process, and the only main requirement needed to apply for child support is the establishment of paternity or maternity. Child support is handled on a state level, which means that Georgia has their own set of guidelines when it comes to child support.

The Basic Child Support Obligation

In Georgia, a Basic Child Support Obligation creates the basis for how much a parent should pay each month for child support. The court must first evaluate the income each month from each parent before deciding how much each parent should contribute to the children’s finances. Once the court calculates the income, they will look into additional factors affecting your child support case.

Factors That Decide Your Child Support Case

Many different factors affect the child support case, such as the amount of parenting time and if there are any adjustments needed for additional expenses. The court will also take any hardships into consideration.

For example, if a parent was laid off or they are unable to find suitable work for specific legitimate reasons, they could claim they have income hardship. It is important to note that hardships must be involuntary. This means that any hardship must not have resulted from a parent quitting or refusing to find work.

Parenting Time

The court will want to make its ruling based on what is suitable for the best interest of the child. If a child already has a routine with one parent where they go to a good school and have extra-curricular activities, and that one parent takes the burden of support, they may not have to pay the other parent for child support.

This is common in arrangements where one parent has sole custody of the children. If there is a shared custody agreement, the parents may share the expenses in an equal manner.

Division of Child Support Services Deviations

There are instances where a judge in Georgia can exercise their power to deviate from the standard guidelines when determining child support. If two parties are unable to agree on an amount or if the judge sees there is a need to protect the best interest of the child, they may change the figure of what each parent pays.

It is imperative that you speak with a divorce attorney to learn more about your options. The divorce attorney can assist you in divorce court and provide you with the best-case scenario for your situation.

How Can I File for Child Support?

If you are ready to file for child support, you may want to speak with an attorney. As mentioned earlier, when you work with a lawyer, they can provide legal advice for your situation.

They can also paint the best-case scenario based on the facts of your case. When you file for child support, you must fill out an application with the state and submit your information.

If you aren’t able to agree on an amount for child custody with your ex-spouse, you can utilize an attorney to help you. They will look over the situation and help build a case that works for the best interest of a child.

Locating the Noncustodial Parent

If you need to open a child support case, you must also provide information about the noncustodial parent. It is important to note that it can take months to process the case if you are unable to locate the parent.

If you are unsure of where they are, but you have information about them, such as their social security number or date of birth, the state will do its best to try to find the parent. There is no guarantee that they will locate the person.

Why Is the Childs Best Interest Important?

At the end of the day, child support is meant for the children, not the parents. Some parents quarrel about child support and use it as a weapon to hurt their ex.

Instead of hurting the other parent, the child involved is the only one deeply affected. This is why the court mainly rules in favor of the child, to ensure that their lives aren’t too affected by the divorce. Sure, they are already going through an emotional rollercoaster of having their parents split, but they should still be able to enjoy going to the same school or doing their activities.

Help With My Child Support Case Georgia

If you are in the state of Georgia and you need help filing a child support case, there is help available for you. Of course, you want to do what is best for the children and not to spite your ex-partner.

Opening a child support case on your own is a tedious task that involves several moving parts, including appearing in a family court for resolution. If you’re in the process of a divorce and you need help with child support, contact us. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your child support case.

Ready to Get Started?

We can help. We can guide you through the consultation process starting with a scheduled call back from a member of our law firm intake team. If you would prefer to speak directly and confidently with a divorce lawyer a paid hour consultation is also available. To arrange a meeting, contact us today.